Don’t Be Fooled by the Allure of Pizza as Company Culture


It’s a common scene in many workplaces. A manager orders pizza for the team, as a kind of offering, hoping to foster teamwork and boost morale. While these pizza parties may be  enjoyable, they can create a false sense of culture building by management that doesn’t address the deeper needs of the team, and the company . True company culture goes beyond superficial gestures and requires a deliberate and meaningful approach.

The Pizza Illusion: Quick Fixes and Temporary Highs

Pizza parties are an easy and popular way to bring the team together. They provide a momentary break from work, create a casual atmosphere, and offer instant gratification. However, the benefits are  short-lived. The allure of pizza can mask the real issues within the company’s culture, giving a  false impression of unity and satisfaction.

Pizza( or any food based recognition)  may increase morale temporarily, but it doesn’t foster long-term engagement or loyalty. Building a genuine company culture requires addressing the core values and principles that drive the organization’s mission and vision.

True Company Culture: Core Values and Shared Vision

A genuine company culture is about shared values, beliefs, and practices that guide how employees interact and work together. Here are the essential elements that contribute to a meaningful company culture:

  1. Clear Mission and Vision: Employees should absorb, understand and feel connected to the company's mission and vision. This alignment should foster a sense of purpose and direction. 
  2. Core Values: Defining and then the company realizing core values is crucial. These values should be more than just words on a wall; they need to be demonstrated in daily actions and decisions. 
  3. Not just for Managers. The most common mistake is the management staff can’t translate the culture to the employee base. You need to first live it , recognize good things when they happen and use every misstep as a learning moment . Culture is not an overnight phenomenon. 
  4. Open Communication: Encourage transparency and open dialogue. Employees should feel comfortable sharing ideas and feedback without fear of retribution.
  5. Recognition and Appreciation: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate employees’ contributions. Recognition programs that align with the company’s core  values can actuallyboost morale and engagement.
  6. Professional Development: Invest in your employees' growth. Offer opportunities for training, mentorship, and career advancement. When employees see a path for their future, they are more likely to stay and contribute positively. With so much available online today, it can be a wise and affordable investment even for a small business .
  7. Work-Life Balance: Promote a healthy work-life balance. Flexible working hours, remote work options, and wellness programs can help employees maintain their well-being.

Beyond the Pizza: Sustainable Practices

Here are some sustainable practices that can help build a lasting company culture:

  • Team Building Activities: Plan activities that align with your company’s values and encourage collaboration. These could include workshops, volunteer opportunities, or team challenges. Let the employees decide . 
  • Regular Check-ins: Hold regular one-on-one and team meetings to discuss progress, address concerns, and provide feedback.
  • Inclusive Environment: Foster diversity and inclusion.Create a welcoming environment for all employees, regardless of their background or identity.
  • Leadership by Example: Leaders should embody and “live”  the company’s values and set a positive example for the rest of the team.
Conclusion: Building Culture Takes Time and Effort

While pizza or an after work beverage  may be fun for some,  they are not a substitute for a well-defined and nurtured company culture. Don’t be fooled by the allure of pizza as company culture. Building a sustainable culture requires ongoing effort, genuine commitment, and alignment with the company’s core values and mission. When companies invest in these aspects, they create an environment where employees feel valued, engaged, and motivated to contribute to the company’s success.

So, next time you consider ordering pizza for the team, think about the above actionable points to foster a lasting and meaningful company culture. It’s the ongoing, consistent efforts that truly make a difference.